Polarities in our System

Recently, I have been questioning the manner in which we punish and penalize in our society. A lot of our punitive measures seem driven by our tendency to place people into polarities: as good or bad, kind or mean, angel or devil, moral or corrupt, laborer or artist, hard-working or lazy, as ‘once a cheater... Continue Reading →

Naked Shame

I would like to start this essay by asking a question that many of you- particularly my younger readers- might find uncomfortable: When I ask you to imagine a nude body, what is the image that you imagine? It might be your own body, or the youthful, tauntly lean body that you see in advertisements... Continue Reading →

The Issue of the Other

I recently spent two weeks in my grandfather's presence. As an urbanite in my twenties,  I don't often get to discuss the events of the Great Depression, World War II, and the Civil Rights Movement with a person who has living memories of that era; and in reminiscing about the rarity of such an occurrence,... Continue Reading →

Developing Positive Optimism

Despite an increased insight into rampant inequality in the United Sates, the majority of North American’s still believe that success is possible with hard work alone. This optimistic ideal has its truth: if you generate output, create content, network, and effectively engage with a targeted demographic, it is likely that you will receive some return... Continue Reading →

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